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Protein Called Spartin Helps Recycle Lipid Droplet Organelles (Chung Lab)

Nature Cell Biology  (PDF) has published a paper authored by MCB faculty Jeeyun Chung. The study outlines a role for the protein spartin in breaking down subcellular organelles…

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Multiple New X-ray Snapshots Reveal How Transition Metals Cross Cellular Membranes Through Nramp Transporters [Gaudet Lab]

Transition metals like iron and manganese play crucial roles in various metabolic processes like photosynthesis, oxygen transport, and energy production through the electron transport chain. Transport proteins residing…

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You Can’t Learn Too Much: How Brain Representations of Complex Odor Mixtures Evolve with Experience [Murthy Lab]

The piriform cortex in the mammalian brain is the largest cortical region that receives direct sensory input from the olfactory bulb as well as complex top-down inputs from…

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Sensory Receptor Evolution in Octopus and Squid [Bellono Lab]

Cephalopods like octopus and squid are well known for their repertoire of sophisticated behaviors governed by their elaborate nervous systems that are comparable in size to complex vertebrates,…

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How Simple Multicellularity Can Evolve into Regulated Reproduction [Murray Lab]

The development of multicellularity has been a remarkable turning point in Earth's biological history, enabling greater morphological diversity and the formation of new organizational structures. This transformation hinged…

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How Fish Learn to Ignore Inconsequential Events [Engert Lab]

As a graduate student in the Gabbiani lab at Baylor College of Medicine, I studied how locust brains processed sensory information about an approaching predator and gave rise…

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What’s in a Squeak? Wild Mice Provide New Insights into Why Vocalization Evolves [Hoekstra Lab]

All babies cry, but, as any parent can tell you, not all cries are the same. Across mammals, young animals are born with the ability to produce cry…

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Preservation of Surgical Human Brain Samples to Reveal Nanometer Scale Neural Networks [Lichtman Lab]

The human brain is understudied when it comes to its cellular, subcellular, vascular, and neural micro-organization. This lack of data has a huge impact on our understanding of…

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Garner Lab Discovers How Bacteria Control the Number of Protein Machines Building Their Cell Wall

Experiments by the Garner Lab have yielded insights into how bacteria control their rate of growth of their external cell wall in response to the nutrients they are…

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Rats Take Their Time When Learning and Earn More Rewards Overall, Study Finds

A recently published paper, authored by alumni of the Cox Lab and the MCO program, suggests that slow initial decision making can lead to reaping big rewards through…

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