Department News News Archive

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Tag: Publication

Meiotic Homologous Chromosome Pairing Involves Rapid Local Juxtaposition and Temporal Linkage of Pairing and Crossover Patterning [KLeckner Lab]

Work spearheaded by post-doctoral fellow Tadasu Nozaki, in the Kleckner laboratory, and recently published in Nature (PDF), uses a powerful new approach to examine pairing of homologous chromosomes…

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Walking Fish and the Origins of Limbs: How Sea Robins Illuminate Evolutionary Wonders

Imagine a fish with legs, not just fins. A creature that strolls along the ocean floor, hunting for prey with an almost eerie precision. This is the remarkable…

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Graduate Student Spotlight: Julius Tabin (Elya Lab)

OEB graduate student Julius Tabin is a member of the Elya Lab. There he is investigating fungus-infected “zombie” flies and searching for the molecule or molecules that cause…

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Lichtman Lab Pairs Immunolabeling with Connectomic Data

A team of researchers from the Lichtman Lab, led by Program in Neuroscience (PiN) graduate student turned joint postdoc in the Lichtman and Dulac Labs Xiaomeng Han, has…

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AI Agents Help Worms Find Food by Integrating with Their Nervous Systems [Ramanathan Lab]

There is a class of AI called reinforcement learning (RL), which works by taking actions in an environment and then learning from the outcome. RL agents have become…

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Model Predicts Size of Yeast Clusters [Murray Lab]

Researchers from the Murray Lab, led by Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) graduate student Piyush Nanda, have recently published a paper in the journal Current Biology on a…

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Lichtman Lab Teams With Google to Map 150 Million Synapses in Human Brain Sample

Since 2018, the Lichtman Lab has been painstakingly mapping every cell and synapse in a tiny brain sample from a human patient. Although the sample represents only one…

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“Zombie”-making Fungus Carries an Enormous Genome

MCB faculty Carolyn Elya has recently published a paper in eLife exploring the genome of the fly-infecting fungus Entomophthora muscae. The fungus is best known for turning its…

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How many distinct RNA structures are there? How should machine learning use them to make accurate predictions?

Many functional RNAs such as tRNAs or rRNA adopt 3D structures that are specific to their distinct functions and conserved across species. As with proteins, the determination of…

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Electron Microscopy Snapshots Reveal the Inner Workings of an Insect Fructose Receptor [Gaudet Lab]

Insects affect human lives both positively and negatively, therefore understanding how they interact with their surroundings can help us better manage their effects on our lives. Gustatory receptors…

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