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Tag: Naoshige Uchida

Decoding Learning: How Cues and Rewards Shape Behavior and Dopamine Signals

A new study from Naoshige Uchida's MCB lab provides new insight into how the brain processes contingency during associative learning. Published in Nature Neuroscience (PDF), the study demonstrates…

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New Deep Learning Framework Reveals Hidden Structure in Neural Activity

Understanding how neurons encode information is one of the most pressing challenges in neuroscience. A new study from a multidisciplinary team including MCB researchers and those from the…

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Avoid or ignore? How the Brain Copes with a Potential Threat

When faced with an unfamiliar threat, animals must make split-second decisions: should they flee to avoid potential harm or push forward in pursuit of a reward? This fundamental…

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How Does the Brain Orchestrate Learning from Reward? [Uchida Lab]

Animals learn a variety of actions; they can flexibly learn a new action or modify a learned action depending on a specific situation. They can also learn a…

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Reward and Threat: Two Axes of Dopamine Systems [Uchida Lab]

William James, the “father of American psychology”, was amused when he watched an alligator cautiously approach a human – only to quickly retreat. The alligator repeated this behavior…

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Uchida Awarded the 2018 Tsukahara Memorial Award

MCB professor Nao Uchida has been awarded the 2018 Nakaakira Tsukahara Memorial Award for his work on memory and decision-making during the 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan…

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A Mouse in Margaritaville [Uchida Lab]

Imagine you’re at your favorite dive bar, and you order a margarita. Usually, the bartender arrives with your drink within 10 minutes, but occasionally, she forgets your order…

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Prediction Errors Stay on Track, Even When the Ride is Unpredictable [Uchida Lab]

Imagine you are waiting for the 2PM subway train. Based on your experience, you know that the train always arrives between 1:55PM and 2:05PM. You glance at your…

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Neir Eshel, an MD-PhD graduate from Harvard Medical School and a former member of the Uchida Lab, was named the grand prize winner of an essay contest sponsored…

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