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Tag: Harvard Junior Fellow

Camille Testard: A Tour de Force of Primate Neuroscience [Dulac Lab]

Camille Testard, Harvard Junior Fellow in Catherine Dulac's lab, has earned prestigious recognition for her innovative research in primate neuroethology, a field investigating the neural basis of social…

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Spotlight on Harvard Junior Fellow William Allen

Harvard Junior Fellow William Allen and Professor Xiaowei Zhuang of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology have been chosen as winners of the 2020 Star-Friedman Challenge, which…

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Harvard Junior Fellow Kapil Ramachandran Receives Prestigious NIH Director’s Early Independence Award

The signal kept vanishing, but Kapil Ramachandran (@KVRamachandran5) kept searching for it. The then-graduate-student at Johns Hopkins was using tracing molecules called “radiolabels” to follow the life of…

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