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Tag: Florian Engert

Larval Zebrafish Avoid Obstacles When Escaping Predators [Engert Lab]

In a daily fight for survival, primitive nervous systems evolved the ability to escape from predators using reflexive reactions that save animals from being eaten. As nervous systems…

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Task Force on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Kicks Off New Semester with Engert Lab Open House

The MCB Community Task Force on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) is leading off the new semester with an Engert Lab Open House on Friday, September 2 at…

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Scents of Belonging: An Olfactory-oxytocin Pathway for the Social Regulation of Appetite and Avoidance [Engert- and Kunes Labs]

In a project jointly led by the Kunes and Engert laboratories, co-first authors Caroline Wee, Erin Song, and Maxim Nikitchenko used the larval zebrafish to take a deep…

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Why Zebrafish Can’t Tickle Themselves

Any sensory experience in any animal species can originate from either an event in the outside world, such as a predator approaching, or from a stimulus generated by…

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How Zebrafish Use “Simple Hacks” to Swim in a School

Schools of zebrafish move in complex patterns, but individual zebrafish use simple visual cues to decide where to swim, according to a new Nature Communications paper from the…

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Postdoc Spotlight: Haleh Fotowat

Postdoc Haleh Fotowat of the Engert Lab has always split her time between scientific and creative pursuits. “I always grew up with a strong hobby in my life—I…

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Foresight in Fish: Physical Intelligence during 3D Prey Capture [Engert Lab]

Babies possess the ability to predict what will happen in their environment based on intuition about gravity, motion, and mass of objects. This has lead to the idea…

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Larval Zebrafish As a Model for Perceptual Decision-making [Engert lab]

During perceptual decision-making, animals need to accumulate sensory evidence over time, but the underlying neural processes remain poorly understood. Here we combine behavioral experiments and whole-brain imaging in…

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A Homeostatic Circuit for Hunger [Engert and Kunes Labs]

Decades ago, pioneering studies in cats and rodents identified regions within an ancient part of the brain, the hypothalamus, that are sufficient to increase or reduce appetite. Stimulating…

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Comparative Computation Across Biological and Artificial Neural Networks [Engert- and Schier Labs]

In a recent paper in Neuron (PDF) the Engert and Schier labs uncover striking similarities in stimulus representation and computation across biological and artificial neural networks performing temperature…

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