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Nominations for the 2024 Doty-Losick Prize for Exceptional Service Open Now

Nominations for the 2024 Doty-Losick Prize for Exceptional Service Open Now

MCB’s Community Task Force (CTF) on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging is enthused to announce the return of the Doty-Losick Prize for Exceptional Service. The prize is awarded to individuals who have distinguished themselves by exceptional and selfless service to our broader MCB community – service that goes well beyond their job description.

Nominations for the Prize are open to any nominees who have contributed to the MCB department in some way but do not need to have a formal MCB affiliation. Service may have been given to our broader MCB community or a specific lab, class, or other MCB subgroup.

In the spirit of inclusivity, the CTF, in partnership with departmental leadership, has moved this award ceremony from the Research Retreat to the Community Forum. “This way, the event will be more accessible to all community members and not just those who attend the retreat,” says Julia Fannon, MCB’s Assistant Director of Human Resources. “It will be a tremendous opportunity for everyone in MCB to recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond for our community. “ 

Nominations are now open and will be accepted until Friday, 10.25. To nominate a deserving individual, please complete the nomination form. The form provides an opportunity to detail the nominee’s exceptional service. Selected nominees will be recognized and awarded a cash prize and token of appreciation at the MCB Community Forum on November 15th at 4 PM and in the MCB news channels. A separate announcement will follow asking for MCB community members to suggest meeting topics.

Past recipients of this prize include Victoria D’Souza (2022), Michel Becuwe, Monique Brewster, Sien Verschave, and Kathleen Quast (2021), Michelle Cicerano (2020), Dominic Mao, Laura Magnotti, and Ryan Draft (2019), Adnan Syed (2018), and Andrew Murray (2017).

The prize honors Professors Paul Doty and Rich Losick. In 1967, Paul Doty founded and served as the first chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a predecessor of MCB. Rich Losick served as chair of the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology (1984-1987), another MCB predecessor. He also served as MCB chair from 1995-1998 and again from 2013-2014.

The Doty-Losick crystal award

The Doty-Losick crystal award