News from 2024

Elya Lab’s Zombie-Making Fungus Research Covered by Knowable Magazine and The Scientist

New articles in Knowable Magazine and The Scientist feature MCB faculty Carolyn Elya and her lab’s research on fungi that parasitize flies.  The Knowable story, penned by science…

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Happy Halloween from MCO G1s!

Every year, the MCO G1s have the opportunity to dress up the rhino statues outside the BioLabs for Halloween. This year, Bessie and Victoria (the rhinos) are going…

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MCB Researchers Awarded Prestigious NSF Fellowships [Nett Lab]

In a remarkable achievement for the MCB Lab of Ryan Nett, postdoctoral researchers Jaime Martinez Grundman and Colin Kim have been awarded prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral…

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Mapping the Brain’s Intricate Circuitry: A Spotlight on Daniel Berger

Daniel Berger is usually found peering into the microscopic world of neurons, synapses, and brain circuitry. Using cutting-edge imaging techniques and computational methods, Berger, Research Scientist within the…

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Mariachi Véritas de Harvard Performs at the White House 

Neuroscience concentrator Diamante Balcazar (‘25) was invited to perform at the White House as part of the student-led mariachi ensemble Mariachi Véritas de Harvard. The group made their…

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Camille Testard: A Tour de Force of Primate Neuroscience [Dulac Lab]

Camille Testard, Harvard Junior Fellow in Catherine Dulac's lab, has earned prestigious recognition for her innovative research in primate neuroethology, a field investigating the neural basis of social…

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Early Life Stress Shapes Attention Deficits in Male (But Not Female) Mice [Hensch Lab]

In a new study published in Science Translational Medicine (PDF), the Hensch Lab shares evidence that erratic maternal caregiving during a critical period leads to attention deficits in…

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