Four postdocs in MCB labs have recently been awarded fellowships that will support their research in biophysics, cell biology, and neuroscience. Two of the postdocs were chosen for…
Four postdocs in MCB labs have recently been awarded fellowships that will support their research in biophysics, cell biology, and neuroscience. Two of the postdocs were chosen for…
Harvard Junior Fellow William Allen and Professor Xiaowei Zhuang of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology have been chosen as winners of the 2020 Star-Friedman Challenge, which…
MCO Graduate Program alum Vayu Maini Rekdal (Ph.D. ‘20, Balskus Lab) has been chosen as one of six recipients of the 2020 International Birnstiel Award for Doctoral Studies…
Neuroscience concentrators Kaelyn Brown (’21) and Ashley Cooper (’21), who has a joint concentration in anthropology, will receive the 2020 Catalyst Award from the educational outreach organization Science…
MCB and Applied Physics faculty member Doeke Hekstra has been chosen to receive the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, as part of the NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward program. The…
Last week, MCB students, staff, postdocs, and faculty convened in Zoom sessions to swap ideas and bond as a community through MCB BIOpalooza 2020, the department’s first-ever virtual…
MCB Faculty Amanda Whipple has been selected as a recipient of the Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship, which supports promising early-career researchers in neurobiology. Klingenstein-Simons Awardees receive $225,000 in funding over…
This year’s virtual retreat, MCB BIOpalooza, will provide opportunities for the MCB community to meet the new incoming graduate students (and vice versa) through breakout sessions and through…
With Harvard’s lab spaces closed, hosting undergraduate interns through the Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH) program this year seemed like an impossibility. But the SROH leadership found…