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Undergraduate Neuroscience Courses


Advanced Neuro
Grad 200 Level
MBB Track
MBB Junior Seminars
MBB Electives
Comp Neuro Track
Comp Neuro Track
Independent Research
Study Abroad Courses
Study Abroad Courses
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  • Introductory Courses


    Neuro 80 (formerly MCB 80) fulfills the required introductory neuroscience course requirement.


    Neuro 80: Neurobiology of Behavior

    An introduction to the ways in which the brain controls mental activities – Dr. Lichtman & Dr. Quast, Q Report


    Neuro 80: Neurobiology of Behavior

    An introduction to the ways in which the brain controls mental activities – Dr. Lichtman & Dr. Quast, Q Report

  • Foundation Courses


    Any one of the following courses fulfills the Neuroscience ‘Foundational’ course requirement for the ‘Neurobiology’ and ‘MBB’ tracks (‘Computational Neuroscience students must take Neuro 105, 115, or 120). Additional courses from this category can be used to fulfill the ‘Advanced Neuroscience Elective’ courses requirement.


    Neuro 57: Animal Behavior

    A study of the diverse mental activities and nervous systems shaped by evolution – Dr. Pierce & Dr. Olveczky, Q Report

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    • Evolution
    • Sensory Systems
    • Motor Systems
    • Learning
    • Motivation
    • Decision Making
    • Sexual Selection

    Neuro 105: Systems Neuroscience

    A study of how neural circuitry underlies animal behavior and how neural activity shapes connections during learning and memory – Dr. Engert, Q Report

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    • Plasticity
    • Learning
    • Sensory Systems
    • Navigation
    • Cognition
    • Quantitative
    • Programming

    Neuro 115: Cellular Basis of Neuronal Function

    Biophysical and cell biological approaches to excitability, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. This course includes hands-on component for students to learn patch clamp and extracellular recording techniques. – Dr. Draft & Dr. Quast, Q Report

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    • Spiking
    • Synaptic Transmission
    • Plasticity
    • Neuromodulation
    • Quantitative
    • Laboratory

    Neuro 120: Introductory Computational Neuroscience

    This course introduces students to abstract models of what and how neurons compute and concrete analyses of real neurons in action. Topics include network models of sensory processing and memory, and techniques to compare these models with real experimental data. This course will emphasize students’ contributions and classroom interactions. Programming projects will be a significant aspect of the course, so programming experience (Python, Matlab) is recommended. Familiarity—but not expertise—with linear algebra will be assumed. – Dr. Penikis, Q report

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    • Spiking
    • Analysis
    • Vision
    • Plasticity
    • Memory
    • Learning
    • Programming
    • Quantitative

    Neuro 125: Molecular Basis of Behavior

    How genes and molecules affect behaviors will be investigated through key examples of mammalian behaviors – Dr. Dulac, Q Report

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    • Sensory Systems
    • Sleep
    • Hunger
    • Love
    • Aggression
    • Disorders

    Neuro 57: Animal Behavior

    A study of the diverse mental activities and nervous systems shaped by evolution – Dr. Pierce & Dr. Olveczky, Q Report

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    • Evolution
    • Sensory Systems
    • Motor Systems
    • Learning
    • Motivation
    • Decision Making
    • Sexual Selection

    Neuro 105: Systems Neuroscience

    A study of how neural circuitry underlies animal behavior and how neural activity shapes connections during learning and memory – Dr. Engert, Q Report

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    • Plasticity
    • Learning
    • Sensory Systems
    • Navigation
    • Cognition
    • Quantitative
    • Programming

    Neuro 115: Cellular Basis of Neuronal Function

    Biophysical and cell biological approaches to excitability, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. This course includes hands-on component for students to learn patch clamp and extracellular recording techniques. – Dr. Draft & Dr. Quast, Q Report

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    • Spiking
    • Synaptic Transmission
    • Plasticity
    • Neuromodulation
    • Quantitative
    • Laboratory

    Neuro 120: Introductory Computational Neuroscience

    This course introduces students to abstract models of what and how neurons compute and concrete analyses of real neurons in action. Topics include network models of sensory processing and memory, and techniques to compare these models with real experimental data. This course will emphasize students’ contributions and classroom interactions. Programming projects will be a significant aspect of the course, so programming experience (Python, Matlab) is recommended. Familiarity—but not expertise—with linear algebra will be assumed. – Dr. Penikis, Q report

    Read more

    • Spiking
    • Analysis
    • Vision
    • Plasticity
    • Memory
    • Learning
    • Programming
    • Quantitative

    Neuro 125: Molecular Basis of Behavior

    How genes and molecules affect behaviors will be investigated through key examples of mammalian behaviors – Dr. Dulac, Q Report

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    • Sensory Systems
    • Sleep
    • Hunger
    • Love
    • Aggression
    • Disorders
  • Tutorials


    These courses are recommended for juniors and capped at 12 students. They provide an opportunity to learn from a professional neuroscientist in a small group setting, to explore important research topics that are not covered in depth in other courses, and to become comfortable reading primary scientific literature and analyzing scientific data. Neuroscience concentrators and secondary students may only count one tutorial towards those requirements.

    Note: There will be 9 tutorials offered for the 2024-25 academic year – 4 in the fall and 5 in the spring. All courses are centrally lotteried by the Neuroscience concentration (see below).

    You can and should shop multiple tutorials. To enroll in a tutorial:

    • Step 1 (Recommended). Check out the courses
    • Step 2. (Required) Enter your preferences online by 7:00 PM EST on Tuesday, November 12th:
      • google form will be available starting November 1st, 2024
      • >80% of students get their first choice. Enter 2-3 preferences to ensure you get a spot.
      • We will run the sectioning algorithm starting at 7:01 PM and email you with your approved class by the following morning.
    • Step 3. Add your approved tutorial (e.g., Neuro 101L) to your Crimson Cart. If you are approved for the class, you will be given permission to enroll.
    Professor picture

    Neuro 101U: Neural circuits for navigation – Dr. Kiah Hardcastle, Q report (newly revamped)

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101V: Sculpting Activity: How Inhibition Shapes the Brain in Health and Disease – Dr. Saad Hannan, Q report

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    Neuro 101W: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience – Dr. Sara Beach, Q report

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    Neuro 101Y: Neuropharmacology of Pain – Dr. Rasheen Powell, Q report

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    Neuro 101L: Sleep Talk: Unraveling the Mystery of Sleep – Dr. Tony Cunningham, Q report

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    Neuro 101X: Stress Resilience & Susceptibility: Mechanisms & Models – Dr. Dominika Burek, Q report

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    Neuro 101Z: Brains and Bytes: Neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interfaces, and artificial intelligence (New course), Dr. Egzona Morina

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    Neuro 101AA: Alzheimer’s Disease: causes and consequences of brain degeneration (New Course) – Dr. Ted Zwang

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101U: Neural circuits for navigation – Dr. Kiah Hardcastle, Q report (newly revamped)

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101L: Sleep Talk: Unraveling the Mystery of Sleep – Dr. Tony Cunningham, Q report

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    Neuro 101V: Sculpting Activity: How Inhibition Shapes the Brain in Health and Disease – Dr. Saad Hannan, Q report

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101X: Stress Resilience & Susceptibility: Mechanisms & Models – Dr. Dominika Burek, Q report

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    Neuro 101W: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience – Dr. Sara Beach, Q report

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101Z: Brains and Bytes: Neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interfaces, and artificial intelligence (New course), Dr. Egzona Morina

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101Y: Neuropharmacology of Pain – Dr. Rasheen Powell, Q report

    Professor picture

    Neuro 101AA: Alzheimer’s Disease: causes and consequences of brain degeneration (New Course) – Dr. Ted Zwang

  • Electives

    Biomedical Engineering 131: Neuroengineering – Dr. Liu, Q report

    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Neuro 129: The Brain: Development, Plasticity, and Decline

    Learning how the neural circuitry of the brain develops, displays plasticity in maturity and declines in function with aging. – Dr. Kunes, Q Report 

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    • Development
    • Plasticity & Aging

    [Neuro 130: Visual Recognition – Computational and Biophysical Perspective – Dr. Kreiman, Q Report]– not offered 2024-’25

    Read more

    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    [Neuro 141: The Physics of Sensory Systems in Biology – Dr. Samuel, Q Report] – not offered 2024-’25

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    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Neuro 145: Neurobiology of Perception and Decision Making – neural circuits underlying perception and behavior – Dr. Uchida, Q Report

    • Circuits & Systems

    Neuro 175: Principles of Cell Physiology – Dr. Bellono, Q report

    Neuro 180: Development, Plasticity, and Regeneration in the Mammalian Brain

    – Dr. Macklis, Q Report 

    • Development
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    OEB 145: Genes and Behavior – genetic influence and control of behaviors in both invertebrates and vertebrate animals – Dr. Zhang, Q Report

    Read more

    • Genetics

    Psychology 1201: Your Brain on Drugs: Psychopharmacology – Dr. Lukas, Q Report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    Psychology 1304: Brain Damage as a Window into the Mind: Cognitive Neuropsychology – Dr. Caramazza, Q Report 

    Read more

    • Cognitive Science

    [Psychology 1309: Essentials of fMRI for Cognitive Neuroscientists] – Dr. Konkle, Q report– not offered 2024-’25

    • Cognitive Science

    [Psychology 1451:Debugging the brain: Computational Approaches to Mental Dysfunction] – not offered 2024-’25

    This course examines recent work applying computational models to mental disorders]. – Dr. Gershman, Q Report

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    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    LS 100: Experimental Research in the Life Sciences: dynamic project-based research course

    Note: Students must must enroll in one of the neuroscience projects and can only count a single semester for advanced neuro credit – Dr. Viel, Q Report

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    • Laboratory & Research

    Biomedical Engineering 129: Introduction to Bioelectronics – Dr. Liu, Q report

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    [Biomedical Engineering 130: Neural Control of Movement] – Dr. Smith, Q Report – not offered 2023-’24

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience
    • Circuits & Systems

    Neuro 105: Systems Neuroscience – a study of how neural circuitry underlies animal behavior and how neural activity shapes connections during learning and memory – Dr. Engert, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Computational

    Neuro 115: Cellular Basis of Neuronal Function – Biophysical and cell biological approaches to excitability, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. This course includes hands-on component for students to learn patch clamp and extracellular recording techniques. – Dr. Draft & Dr. Quast, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience
    • Laboratory ResearchLaboratory Research

    Neuro 120: Introductory Computational Neuroscience

    This course introduces students to abstract models of what and how neurons compute and concrete analyses of real neurons in action. Topics include network models of sensory processing and memory, and techniques to compare these models with real experimental data. This course will emphasize students’ contributions and classroom interactions. Programming projects will be a significant aspect of the course, so programming experience (Python, Matlab) is recommended. Familiarity—but not expertise—with linear algebra will be assumed. – Dr. Penikis (new instructor), Q report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Neuro 125: Molecular Basis of Behavior – How genes and molecules affect behaviors will be investigated through key examples of mammalian behaviors – Dr. Dulac, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Development

    Neuro 140: Biological and Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Kreiman, Q report

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Neuro 146: Experience-based Brain Development – this course integrates molecular & cell biology with systems neuroscience to explore mechanisms underlying critical periods in development – Dr. Hensch, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Development
    • Disease and Therapeutics

    Neuro 170: Brain Invaders: Building and Breaking Barriers in the Nervous System – Dr. Magnotti, Q Report

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    • Disease and Therapeutics

    Neuro 1202: Modern Neuroanatomy – this course examine the circuits that underly cognition – Dr. Buckner, Q Report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Circuits & Systems

    [Psychology 1303: The Human Brain Then and Now] – Dr. Buckner, Q Reportnot offered 2023-24

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    • Cognitive Science

    Psychology 1325: The Emotional, Social Brain – Dr. Phelps, Q report

    • Cognitive Science

    Neuro 1401: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – teaching students how to simulate brain function with computer programs. Special emphasis will be placed on processes like learning, memory, attention, decision-making, and object perception. – Dr. Gershman, Q Report – not offered 2024-25

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    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Psych 1406: Biological and Artificial Visual Systems: How Humans and Machines Represent the World – Dr. Alvarez, Q report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    SCRB 185: Brain Development, Risk of Mental Illness, and New Approaches to Treatment Development – Drs. Arlotta and Hyman, Q report

    • Development
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    LS 100: Experimental Research in the Life Sciences: dynamic project-based research course

    Note: Students must must enroll in one of the neuroscience projects and can only count a single semester for advanced neuro credit – Dr. Viel, Q Report

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    • Laboratory & Research

    Biomedical Engineering 131: Neuroengineering – Dr. Liu, Q report

    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Biomedical Engineering 129: Introduction to Bioelectronics – Dr. Liu, Q report

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Neuro 129: The Brain: Development, Plasticity, and Decline

    Learning how the neural circuitry of the brain develops, displays plasticity in maturity and declines in function with aging. – Dr. Kunes, Q Report 

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    • Development
    • Plasticity & Aging

    [Biomedical Engineering 130: Neural Control of Movement] – Dr. Smith, Q Report – not offered 2023-’24

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience
    • Circuits & Systems

    [Neuro 130: Visual Recognition – Computational and Biophysical Perspective – Dr. Kreiman, Q Report]– not offered 2024-’25

    Read more

    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Neuro 105: Systems Neuroscience – a study of how neural circuitry underlies animal behavior and how neural activity shapes connections during learning and memory – Dr. Engert, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Computational

    [Neuro 141: The Physics of Sensory Systems in Biology – Dr. Samuel, Q Report] – not offered 2024-’25

    Read more

    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Neuro 115: Cellular Basis of Neuronal Function – Biophysical and cell biological approaches to excitability, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. This course includes hands-on component for students to learn patch clamp and extracellular recording techniques. – Dr. Draft & Dr. Quast, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience
    • Laboratory ResearchLaboratory Research

    Neuro 145: Neurobiology of Perception and Decision Making – neural circuits underlying perception and behavior – Dr. Uchida, Q Report

    • Circuits & Systems

    Neuro 120: Introductory Computational Neuroscience

    This course introduces students to abstract models of what and how neurons compute and concrete analyses of real neurons in action. Topics include network models of sensory processing and memory, and techniques to compare these models with real experimental data. This course will emphasize students’ contributions and classroom interactions. Programming projects will be a significant aspect of the course, so programming experience (Python, Matlab) is recommended. Familiarity—but not expertise—with linear algebra will be assumed. – Dr. Penikis (new instructor), Q report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Neuro 175: Principles of Cell Physiology – Dr. Bellono, Q report

    Neuro 125: Molecular Basis of Behavior – How genes and molecules affect behaviors will be investigated through key examples of mammalian behaviors – Dr. Dulac, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Development

    Neuro 180: Development, Plasticity, and Regeneration in the Mammalian Brain

    – Dr. Macklis, Q Report 

    • Development
    • Plasticity & Aging
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    Neuro 140: Biological and Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Kreiman, Q report

    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    OEB 145: Genes and Behavior – genetic influence and control of behaviors in both invertebrates and vertebrate animals – Dr. Zhang, Q Report

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    • Genetics

    Neuro 146: Experience-based Brain Development – this course integrates molecular & cell biology with systems neuroscience to explore mechanisms underlying critical periods in development – Dr. Hensch, Q Report

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    • Circuits & Systems
    • Development
    • Disease and Therapeutics

    Psychology 1201: Your Brain on Drugs: Psychopharmacology – Dr. Lukas, Q Report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    Neuro 170: Brain Invaders: Building and Breaking Barriers in the Nervous System – Dr. Magnotti, Q Report

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    • Disease and Therapeutics

    Psychology 1304: Brain Damage as a Window into the Mind: Cognitive Neuropsychology – Dr. Caramazza, Q Report 

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    • Cognitive Science

    Neuro 1202: Modern Neuroanatomy – this course examine the circuits that underly cognition – Dr. Buckner, Q Report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Circuits & Systems

    [Psychology 1309: Essentials of fMRI for Cognitive Neuroscientists] – Dr. Konkle, Q report– not offered 2024-’25

    • Cognitive Science

    [Psychology 1303: The Human Brain Then and Now] – Dr. Buckner, Q Reportnot offered 2023-24

    Read more

    • Cognitive Science

    [Psychology 1451:Debugging the brain: Computational Approaches to Mental Dysfunction] – not offered 2024-’25

    This course examines recent work applying computational models to mental disorders]. – Dr. Gershman, Q Report

    Read more

    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neurobiology

    Psychology 1325: The Emotional, Social Brain – Dr. Phelps, Q report

    • Cognitive Science

    LS 100: Experimental Research in the Life Sciences: dynamic project-based research course

    Note: Students must must enroll in one of the neuroscience projects and can only count a single semester for advanced neuro credit – Dr. Viel, Q Report

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    • Laboratory & Research

    Neuro 1401: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – teaching students how to simulate brain function with computer programs. Special emphasis will be placed on processes like learning, memory, attention, decision-making, and object perception. – Dr. Gershman, Q Report – not offered 2024-25

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    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    Psych 1406: Biological and Artificial Visual Systems: How Humans and Machines Represent the World – Dr. Alvarez, Q report

    • Cognitive Science
    • Computational & Quantitative Neuroscience

    SCRB 185: Brain Development, Risk of Mental Illness, and New Approaches to Treatment Development – Drs. Arlotta and Hyman, Q report

    • Development
    • Disease & Therapeutics

    LS 100: Experimental Research in the Life Sciences: dynamic project-based research course

    Note: Students must must enroll in one of the neuroscience projects and can only count a single semester for advanced neuro credit – Dr. Viel, Q Report

    Read more

    • Laboratory & Research
  • Grad 200 Level

    † Courses taught at Harvard Medical School (HMS, Longwood Campus)


    APMTH 226: Neural Computation – Dr. Pehlevan, Q report


    BCMP 213: Behavioral Pharmacology – Drs. Bergman & Kangas, Q Report

    [Engineering Sciences 226r: Topics in neural engineering: Learning and memory in Neural Systems ]- Dr. Smith, Q Report – not offered 2023-24

    Neuro 231(formerly Neuro 131): Computational Neuroscience – Dr. Sompolinsky, Q Report – not offered 2024-25

    Neurobiology 209†: Neurobiology of Disease – Dr. Mireau, Q Report

    This course covers a major disease or disorder of the nervous system each week, including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, Mood and Autism Spectrum disorder and others. The course is taught at the Harvard Medical School on Monday (6-8:30 PM) and Wednesday (7-9:30 PM) evenings. The Monday sessions involve patient presentations and “core” lectures describing clinical progression, pathology, and basic science underlying a major disease or disorder. On Wednesdays, students present material from original literature sources, and there is general discussion. The course is for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and MD and MD/PhD students. The recommended prerequisite are: Introductory neurobiology, biochemistry, and genetics/molecular biology. The course is given in alternate years and is listed at the Medical School as NB 713.0.

    Read more

    SHBT 205†: Audition: Neural Mechanisms, Perception, and Cognition – Drs. Polley, Delgutte, Brown, & McDermott, Q Report


    APMTH 226: Neural Computation – Dr. Pehlevan, Q report

    BCMP 213: Behavioral Pharmacology – Drs. Bergman & Kangas, Q Report

    [Engineering Sciences 226r: Topics in neural engineering: Learning and memory in Neural Systems ]- Dr. Smith, Q Report – not offered 2023-24

    Neuro 231(formerly Neuro 131): Computational Neuroscience – Dr. Sompolinsky, Q Report – not offered 2024-25

    Neurobiology 209†: Neurobiology of Disease – Dr. Mireau, Q Report

    This course covers a major disease or disorder of the nervous system each week, including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, Mood and Autism Spectrum disorder and others. The course is taught at the Harvard Medical School on Monday (6-8:30 PM) and Wednesday (7-9:30 PM) evenings. The Monday sessions involve patient presentations and “core” lectures describing clinical progression, pathology, and basic science underlying a major disease or disorder. On Wednesdays, students present material from original literature sources, and there is general discussion. The course is for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and MD and MD/PhD students. The recommended prerequisite are: Introductory neurobiology, biochemistry, and genetics/molecular biology. The course is given in alternate years and is listed at the Medical School as NB 713.0.

    Read more

    SHBT 205†: Audition: Neural Mechanisms, Perception, and Cognition – Drs. Polley, Delgutte, Brown, & McDermott, Q Report

  • Study Abroad Courses

    There are many ways to study Neuro abroad. Please talk to Ryan or Laura to get started planning. We regularly have students study both during term time and in the summer all over the world.

    • For term time programs, visit the OIE.
    • For summer school programs, we give credit for the following:

    [Trento, Italy (1 MBB course)] – not offered summer 2024

    [Oxford, England (1 Intermediate Biology course)] – not offered summer 2024

    Many students also create their own summer neuroscience program through grants from OCS (including non-credit internships, like the Weissman Fellowship). Check out more here! 

  • MBB Junior Seminars

    Note: all MBB 980 courses in the catalog count for the MBB seminar requirement.


    MBB 980N: Neuroaesthetics – Dr. Etcoff, Q Report

    MBB 980P: The Role of Music in Health and Education – Dr. Wong, Q report

    [MBB 980R: Psychopaths and Psychopathy: Psychological, Neuroscientific, Legal, and Policy Issues] – Dr. Fersch, Q report – not offered 2024-25

    MBB 980S: Cognitive Neuroscience of Meditation – Drs. Lazar and Ferguson, Q report

    MBB 980V: Advances in Understanding the Wiring of the Brain: Neuroimaging and Big Data in Connectomics – Dr. Nickerson, Q report

    MBB 980BB: Your Brain on Poetry – Dr. Dymek, Q report

    MBB 980CC: The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: How Gut Microbes Modulate Human Cognition and Mental Health – Dr. Oyarzun, Q report

    MBB 980DD: Computational Psychiatry Dr. Kumar, Q report


    MBB 980H: What Disease Teaches about Cognition – Drs. Milberg & Alexander, Q Report

    MBB 980M: Functional Neuroimaging of Psychiatric Disorders – Dr. Silbersweig, Q Report

    MBB 980T: Sleep and Mental Health – Dr. Pace-Schott

    [MBB 980W:Creativity and Healing in Medicine and Music] – Dr. Wong, Q report – not offered in 2024-25

    MBB 980X: Translational Neuroscience: Limits of Adaptation from Extreme Environments to Clinical Practice – Drs. Strangman and Ivkovic, Q report

    [MBB 980Y: Virtue Science] – Drs. Lazar and Ferguson – not offered 2024-25

    [MBB 980Z: The Insanity Defense: Psychological, Neuroscientific, Legal, Philosophical, and Policy Issues] – Dr. Fersch – not offered 2024-25

    MBB 980AA: Drug Use in Nature – Dr. Pierce, Q report


    MBB 980N: Neuroaesthetics – Dr. Etcoff, Q Report

    MBB 980H: What Disease Teaches about Cognition – Drs. Milberg & Alexander, Q Report

    MBB 980P: The Role of Music in Health and Education – Dr. Wong, Q report

    MBB 980M: Functional Neuroimaging of Psychiatric Disorders – Dr. Silbersweig, Q Report

    [MBB 980R: Psychopaths and Psychopathy: Psychological, Neuroscientific, Legal, and Policy Issues] – Dr. Fersch, Q report – not offered 2024-25

    MBB 980T: Sleep and Mental Health – Dr. Pace-Schott

    MBB 980S: Cognitive Neuroscience of Meditation – Drs. Lazar and Ferguson, Q report

    [MBB 980W:Creativity and Healing in Medicine and Music] – Dr. Wong, Q report – not offered in 2024-25

    MBB 980V: Advances in Understanding the Wiring of the Brain: Neuroimaging and Big Data in Connectomics – Dr. Nickerson, Q report

    MBB 980X: Translational Neuroscience: Limits of Adaptation from Extreme Environments to Clinical Practice – Drs. Strangman and Ivkovic, Q report

    MBB 980BB: Your Brain on Poetry – Dr. Dymek, Q report

    [MBB 980Y: Virtue Science] – Drs. Lazar and Ferguson – not offered 2024-25

    MBB 980CC: The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: How Gut Microbes Modulate Human Cognition and Mental Health – Dr. Oyarzun, Q report

    [MBB 980Z: The Insanity Defense: Psychological, Neuroscientific, Legal, Philosophical, and Policy Issues] – Dr. Fersch – not offered 2024-25

    MBB 980DD: Computational Psychiatry Dr. Kumar, Q report

    MBB 980AA: Drug Use in Nature – Dr. Pierce, Q report

  • Neuro 91 and 99

    Neuro 91. Laboratory Research
    Ryan W. Draft, Laura Magnotti, and Kristina Penikis

    This course is taken to obtain credit for independent laboratory research during the 6th, 7th, or 8th semester. Research work should be directed by a member of the Neuroscience Standing Committee or an appropriate Harvard-affiliated faculty member in another department or institution. All students must submit registration materials for Neuro 91 at the time of enrollment.

    Neuro 91 Online Registration Form (will activate in the enrollment period) – Once you have found a lab, please complete this online form to initiate enrollment.

    • Note: Joint Concentrators must also turn in the Lab Info Sheet (link) by first day of classes of their 6th semester (typically junior spring).

    Neuro 99. Thesis Research
    Ryan W. Draft, Laura Magnotti, and Kristina Penikis

    For Neuroscience concentrators writing a thesis. This course is ordinarily taken during the final semester of enrollment. The Standing Committee must approve a thesis proposal prior to enrolling in Neuro 99

    Neuro 99 Online Registration/Abstract Form (link)  – To be completed by the registration deadline to enroll in Neuro 99 and/or submit your senior thesis abstract at the beginning of your 8th (final) semester. 

    Final written report instructions/forms for 91 students and thesis writers (see accordion below):
    ** Email the report to 1) your PI and 2) the Neuro Advising Office (undergraduate_neuroscience@fas.harvard.edu) by the listed deadline **

    Potential Thesis Writer Enrolled in Neuro 91 or 99

    Non-Thesis Writer Enrolled in Neuro 91

    JUNIOR SPRING (or 6th semester)

    Combined Thesis Proposal and 91 Final Report

    Due dates:

    Spring (May 2026 grads): Tuesday, May 6, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET



    Neuro 91 Final Report

    Due dates:
    Fall: Monday, December 9th, 2024 @11:59 PM ET

    Spring: Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET

    SENIOR YEAR (7th and 8th semester)

    See Thesis Guidelines

    Fall: Final Thesis (Off Cycle March 2025 grads)
    Due: Friday, November 15, 2024 @5 PM ET

    Spring: Final Thesis (May 2025 grads)
    Due: Friday, March 14, 2025 @5 PM ET

    Neuro 91 Final Report

    Due dates:
    Fall: Monday, December 9th, 2024 @11:59 PM ET

    Spring: Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET

    JUNIOR SPRING (or 6th semester)
    SENIOR YEAR (7th and 8th semester)

    Potential Thesis Writer Enrolled in Neuro 91 or 99

    Combined Thesis Proposal and 91 Final Report

    Due dates:

    Spring (May 2026 grads): Tuesday, May 6, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET



    See Thesis Guidelines

    Fall: Final Thesis (Off Cycle March 2025 grads)
    Due: Friday, November 15, 2024 @5 PM ET

    Spring: Final Thesis (May 2025 grads)
    Due: Friday, March 14, 2025 @5 PM ET

    Non-Thesis Writer Enrolled in Neuro 91

    Neuro 91 Final Report

    Due dates:
    Fall: Monday, December 9th, 2024 @11:59 PM ET

    Spring: Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET

    Neuro 91 Final Report

    Due dates:
    Fall: Monday, December 9th, 2024 @11:59 PM ET

    Spring: Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 @ 11:59 PM ET