Associate Concentration Advisor (CPB/MCB) and Lecturer in MCB
transcription factors, DNA regulatory elements, gene regulatory networks, and the effects of genetic variation
Combining optics, protein engineering, chemistry, electrophysiology, simulation, and theory, at the levels of individual molecules, single cells, and whole, genetically modified, organisms.
Synaptic plasticity: cellular mechanisms, development of functional networks and links to behaviour
High resolution dynamic and spatial studies of prokaryotic cellular organization
Structural biology of signaling and transport through biological membranes
Transcriptional regulation of the TNF gene, HIV biology, HIV/TB host susceptibility and resistance genes
Development of a universal vaccine against a major worldwide cause of infant mortality, the bacterial pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae
Developing new functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods to study the neural mechanisms of behavior
Assistant director of Undergraduate studies (CPB/MCB) and Lecturer in MCB
Biotechnology / pharmaceutical industry, technology licensing, strategic application of intellectual property
RNA and heterochromatin assembly Heterochromatin structure and inheritance miRNAs and synaptic plasticity
Multicolor and time-resolved electron microscopy of cell signaling
Computational methods to identify functional genomic sequences and structures. Quest for conserved RNA structures
Biopharmaceuticals, drug discovery, antibody discovery, immuno-oncology, oncology
Understanding the impact of technology, learning styles, and high school preparation in university science classrooms
Development and application of chemical proteomic methods to study the interactions of therapeutics, natural products, and metabolites within the cellular proteome