Department Seminars and Events

Seminars and Events

MCB Thursday Seminar: Mitchell Guttman, Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology)


Northwest Building (Room NW B103), 52 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

RNA promotes the formation of spatial compartments throughout the nucleus

The nucleus is a highly organized arrangement of RNA, DNA, and protein molecules that are compartmentalized within three-dimension...
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MCB Thursday Seminar, Prather Lectures: Feng Zhang, Ph.D. (MIT)


Science Center, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Title: Copy-Paste:An exploration of retrotransposons and their functions in microbes and man

Retrotransposons, a type of mobile DNA element, are molecular machines thatcreate an RNA copy of their genetic information...
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MCB Thursday Seminar, Prather Lectures: Feng Zhang, Ph.D. (MIT)


Northwest Building (Room NW B103), 52 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Title: Programmablenucleic acid recognition

To read and write their genomes and transcriptomes, or those of their hosts,organisms rely on systems that can recognize specific nucleic acid patterns.Although some of th...
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