Developing approaches to aid neuronal regeneration in the context of neurodegenerative diseases of the cortical output circuitry; modulating neuronal function in psychiatric diseases affecting cortical microcircuitry
Elucidation and study of biosynthetic pathways and enzymes as well as the development of synthetic methods that are compatible with microbial chemistry.
Real-time systems analysis of signal transduction and genetic networks at the single cell level
Combining optics, protein engineering, chemistry, electrophysiology, simulation, and theory, at the levels of individual molecules, single cells, and whole, genetically modified, organisms.
Evolutionary dynamics, experimental evolution, population genetics (On sabbatical 2023-24)
Mechanisms of parasitic behavior manipulation across molecules, cells and circuits.
Synaptic plasticity: cellular mechanisms, development of functional networks and links to behaviour
Evolution of molecular and developmental mechanisms controlling cell fate decisions
High resolution dynamic and spatial studies of prokaryotic cellular organization
Structural biology of signaling and transport through biological membranes
Microbial eco-systems biology; Microbial physiology; Marine biogeochemistry (On sabbatical 2023-24)
Development of chemical and molecular biology tools to allow new measurements and perturbations in biological systems; study mechanisms of gene regulation and dysregulation in cancer.
Study evolution, hybridization, and speciation - mainly in butterflies (Not accepting graduate students 2023-2024)
Immunology, microbiome, and diet.
Quantitative studies of biological self-organization, and the architecture and dynamics of subcellular structures
Force-induced denaturation of DNA, sequence heterogeneity and the dynamics of motor proteins, population growth and mutation in disordered media
Theoretical and experimental studies of self-assembly, DNA/chromosome structure, homology recognition, Roles for Mechanical Force Probes Using Single Molecules
Multicolor and time-resolved electron microscopy of cell signaling
Human development, Stem cell biology, Neuroscience, Computational Biology
Small molecule probes and therapeutics controlling gene expression, epigenetics, and cell states
Uncovering the intrinsic and extrinsic regulators of stem cell function, and revealing how changes in stem cell activity impact tissue regeneration throughout life
Development and application of chemical proteomic methods to study the interactions of therapeutics, natural products, and metabolites within the cellular proteome
Computational methods to identify functional genomic sequences and structures. Quest for conserved RNA structures
Assembly and function of neural circuits in the visual system (currently not taking students)